Book a Session
Select a package below to request a session at Edison Recording Studio.
Do you require deposits?
Does my booking request require approval?
Does a session include an Engineer?
What equipment is included in the session?
What if I need more studio time for my project?
The online booking packages are a great starting point for your project. If you need additional studio time to complete your project, we can add additional hours at an additional rate.
What are the audio tracks?
In the online booking packages, some packages have a limitation of how many audio tracks are included.
An audio track is referring to the total number of recorded tracks in a project, typically one for each instrument. For example, recording drums may include up to 1o or more tracks, whereas recording guitar would generally include one or two audio tracks. Lead vocals include one audio track, but each vocal layer, such as doubles and harmonies, would be an additional audio track.
As you can imagine, there may not be enough time in a short session to record a large number of audio tracks; these audio track limits help to keep your project flowing smoothly with the time that you have booked, helping to avoid unnecessary overages.
What if I need more audio tracks for my project?
The online booking packages include a great starting point for your project. If you need additional audio tracks beyond package limits to complete your project, we can add additional audio tracks at an additional rate. This may require additional session time as well to complete all your audio track recordings.
Where can I ask questions about these packages?
We want you to feel comfortable and excited about your experience at Edison Recording Studio. We are more than happy to answer any questions that you have about the booking packages on our website, what’s included in the packages (and what is NOT included), general session expectations, etc
Please contact us at with any questions, and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.